Faculty and Students from the School of Intelligent Emergency Management of USST Went to Shanghai Tunnel Engineering and Rail Transit Design and Research Institute for Research and Exchange


On September 1st, faculty and students from USSTBS visited Shanghai Tunnel Engineering and Rail Transit Design and Research Institute (STEDI) to conduct research and exchange ideas regarding the compilation of the Blue Book for the Development of TOD Emergency Management System in Urban Rail Transit (hereinafter referred to as TOD Blue Book of Emergency Management). The attendees included Liu Weiwei, director of the Department of Transportation System Engineering, Zhu Xiaodong, Party branch secretary of the Department of Information Management and Information Systems, Si Chengyong, faculty branch secretary of Sino-German College, as well as some young faculty and graduate students. Li Dongmei, director of STEDI, Liu Hui, head of the institute, and Li Yao, engineer of STEDI warmly welcomed the delegation. Yan Sihai and Fang Ge from Shanghai Pengchong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. participated in the exchange. 

Li Dongmei introduced the significant expansion of China's Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) model, highlighting the pressing requirement for effective emergency management within this framework. She pointed out the approval of CSEM on the compilation of the Blue Book Series of Emergency Management Development for Urban Rail Transit in China. 

Li Yao reported the updated progress of the TOD Blue Book of Emergency Management, and introduced the core members and teams involved in compiling the blue book,the initial draft of the catalog outline, the structure of the compilation team, and the main work content of each member. 

The School of Intelligent Emergency Management of USST and experts from Shanghai Pengchong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. had a productive discussion on the compilation of the blue book. They shared their professional opinions on the coordination mechanism of the participating institutions, the method system for conducting research at the owner unit, the data/material storage and sharing mechanisms, the overall positioning and logical framework of the blue book, the main content and supporting materials for each chapter, etc. This fruitful discussion has been recognized by STEDI. 

Following the research and exchange, STEDI will provide feedback on relevant suggestions to all participating institutions and will plan to hold a national initiation meeting for the compilation of the TOD Blue Book of Emergency Management as soon as possible. 

Group photo & exchange site



Translated by: Bai Yuting

Reviewed by: Nie Rui