USST Held the Graduation Ceremony and Degree Awarding Ceremony for MBA, MPA, MEM, and MPAcc 2023


On the afternoon of June 24, USST held the graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony for MBA, MPA, MEM, and MPAcc 2023 in the auditorium. More than 250 graduates gathered together to witness this solemn and warm moment.

Sheng Chun, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and vice president of USST; Cui Guomin, executive vice dean of the Graduate School; Zhao Laijun, dean of Business School and director of the Professional Degree Education Center; Ma Jingbo, secretary of the Party Committee, He Jianjia and Zhao Jing, vice deans, Che Liping, director of the MPA Program, Ye Chunming, director of the MEM Program, representatives of 4M program supervisors, alum representatives, the management team of the Professional Degree Education Center of Business School, all graduates and their families attended the ceremony and shared the honour. Zhang Zheng, vice dean and deputy director of the Professional Degree Education Center of Business School, presided over the ceremony.

Zhang Zheng presided over the graduation ceremony.

Send word: Take responsibility for youth.

On the occasion of parting, Sheng Chun sincerely congratulated the graduates and wished them all a successful completion of their studies and graduation. "Today's graduation ceremony is an important milestone in your journey of receiving USST's 'interdisciplinary, innovative, and industry-oriented graduate education. It marks the end of one chapter in your life and the beginning of another. I hope you adhere to integrity and innovation, integrate knowledge and action, and go to the places where the Party and the country need the most. Uphold the spirit of USST, go forward courageously; gather strength, persevere, and make long-term struggle the main theme throughout your youth." Sheng Chun's graduation speech inspires students to work hard, move forward bravely, and firmly grasp their destiny in their own hands.

Sheng Chun delivered a speech.

Zhao Laijun, on behalf of the school, expressed several expectations to the students who are going embark on a new life journey. First, adhere to the family and national feelings of helping the world, and actively practice the value of "taking the world as your responsibility"; Second, maintain the attitude of courage, be open to challenges, continue to maintain the enthusiasm for learning and exploration, know the responsibility in the heart, shoulder responsibility, and perform the responsibility in action; Third, always have the spirit of innovation and enthusiasm, uphold the open and inclusive mind, learn the wisdom of win-win cooperation, serve the motherland and society.

Zhao Laijun delivered a speech.

Associate Prof. Yao Jiao, secretary of the Party branch of the Department of Traffic System Engineering, Business School, shared his graduation speech. He said that outside of the campus, what will greet everyone is the obstacles of life; in the future years, you will inevitably encounter difficulties and setbacks. When you want to 'lie flat' but can't, do not want to involve but have to involve, please think back to yourself who made breakthroughs during your school years. When you mope, please stop complaining, do every little thing around you, and the turning point will appear.

Yao Jiao delivered a speech.

Liu Jun, the graduate representative of MBA 2023, expressed special gratitude to the teachers behind the scenes for their support and dedication. The days when she studied with her classmates and two years studying for an MBA in USST made her gain a lot. She said the most memorable part of her study was the "MBA spirit" of never giving up. As a part-time student, her busy work made her feel more pressure than ever before. However, she was not overwhelmed by these difficulties but faced the challenges and completed this valuable research journey.

Liu Jun delivered a speech.

Yan Yingyi, a representative of the People's Congress of Qidong City, chairman of Huilong Town People's Congress, Jiangsu Province, and MPA alum representative in the 2015 class, sent his best wishes to junior schoolmates. Speaking as an experienced person, he asked Why papers are so important? He believed that the papers display learning results, and the various planning schemes, evaluation reports, and feasibility studies encountered in the work are used in the logical thinking required when writing the papers. He shared with everyone: "Stay firm in your great mission no matter how far you travel your life journey. May you return with a young heart after years of fighting."

Yan Yingyi delivered a speech.

Turn the tasselEmbark on a new journey.

Cui Guomin read out the Decision of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology on Awarding the 2023 MBA, MPA, MEM, and MPAcc   Degree Personnel.

Cui Guomin read out the Degree Awarding Decision.

With the music playing, all the 2023 graduates ushered in the most ceremonial moment; they were full of expectations and lined up neatly on the stage one by one. Sheng Chun, the school leaders, and the supervisors seated on the rostrum jointly awarded the degree certificates to the graduates and turned the tassels for them, witnessing their growth, maturity and success.

On behalf of the school, Zhao Laijun and Ma Jingbo accepted the souvenir the graduate representatives presented to their Alma Mater - the PDEC image logo. The logo will be placed on the lawn of the South Campus to express that graduates never forget what theyve received and the cultivation from their Alma Mater.

Graduate representatives presented the souvenir to their Alma Mater.

Ma Jingbo read the Decision of Business School on the Appointment of 2023 MBA, MPA, MEM and MPAcc Alumni Liaison and awarded the Appointment Certificates of Alumni Liaison.

Ma Jingbo was awarded the Appointment Certificate of Alumni Liaison.

"The sea embraces all rivers to create your imagination; develop the country through science and education has become your wings." The familiar school song sounded in the venue, which is the most beautiful and solemn song imprinted on the bottom of everyones heart. All the teachers and students present stood up and sang about the mission, the responsibility and the unchanged feelings of Business School people.

At the end of the ceremony, the graduates took group photos with the university leaders, the school leaders and the supervisors to memory the precious graduation moment.

Group photo

Each class of graduates has a unique youth story, and 2023 graduates are constantly meeting challenges. In the just ended "7th International MBA/EMBA Desert Trial", the "USST team" composed of 10 students from the Center won two collective awards -- "Hu Yang Award-The Top Honor of the Whole Team" and "The 10th Team Ranking Award". The spirit of daring to challenge and climbing peaks learned in Business school will always accompany everyone, help them break through difficulties and forge ahead on the road of life.

Freeze the most beautiful moment.

The heavy rain could not quench the enthusiasm of the students. On that day, graduates witnessed the beautiful moment with their families; or took photos with former teachers and classmates to freeze the most beautiful moment.

Witnessed the moment with the whole families

Schoolmates friendship

We are graduated!

The path of life full of challenges and opportunities extends beneath our feet; the vast and exciting stages await us to perform; the future is bright, and now its a good time to start a new journey; wishing 2023 graduates a promising future!

                                 Translated by: Bai Yuting

                                                       Reviewed by: Wang Yaopeng