Practical Visits| MEM Program Teachers and Students Go to Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Company Co., Ltd. to Carry out Professional Practice Activities


In the afternoon of April 21, Professor Ye Chunming, director of the MEM program of the Professional Degree Education Center of the School of Business, led a team of more than 30 MEM program teachers and students to the Pudong Base of COMAC Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Company Co., Ltd. to carry out professional practice activities and deeply learn the grand history of the rise of domestic large aircraft. 


In front of the ‘Yunshi’ aircraft, COMAC Corporation of China erected this sculpture and engraved the four characters “Never Give Up” on the base, while recording the story of the development of the ‘Yunshi’ aircraft. Nowadays, these have become the firm beliefs and precious spiritual wealth of the ‘Big Aircraft Man’. At the base, alumni Yang Binbin vividly introduced the story behind the silver streamlined sculpture on the lawn. All present personnel were infected by the spirit of scientific research seniors who never gave up under difficult conditions. Subsequently, the teachers and students boarded the Yunshi aircraft to understand the internal structure of the aircraft. 


Yu Lu, an engineer from COMAC and director of the intelligent assembly technology room, led everyone to visit the production line of the C919 aircraft’s structure and system assembly workshop, providing a detailed explanation of the aircraft’s assembly process. Students have expressed that through on-site visits, they have gained a deeper understanding of the spirit of “enduring hardships, striving for long-term success, tackling key problems, and dedicating to long-term development” in the Big Aircraft. 


The rapid development of the C919 from its first flight to delivery symbolizes a new journey for China’s large aircraft industry. 

On the corporate culture corridor, with photos and paragraphs of text, Wang Zhi, the party building secretary of COMAC, tells everyone about the development history of COMAC. Generation after generation of COMAC people have been striving hard and courageously to achieve their mission of “making China’s big aircraft soar in the blue sky”. 

The domestically produced large aircraft is a microcosm of China’s strength and national rejuvenation. Through the visit, the MEM project teachers and students experienced the rapid development of China’s aviation industry and advanced manufacturing industry up close, understood the difficulties and twists in the development and production process of domestic aircraft, and felt extremely proud of the achievements of China's aviation industry. At the same time, I deeply felt my mission and responsibility in the new era and new journey, and expressed that I should better base myself on my own duty, be brave to explore, and constantly contribute youth strength in the process of Chinese path to modernization.