The 4th (Extended) Meeting of the 8th System Science Discipline Review Group and the 4th Meeting of the 4th Council of Shanghai Academy of System Sciences Successfully Held


On November 12, 2022, the fourth (extended) meeting of the 8th System Science Discipline Review Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council and the fourth meeting of the 4th Council of Shanghai Institute of System Science were held in Shanghai both online and offline. Members of the discipline review group of systems science and members of the Council of Shanghai Academy of Systems Science attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Professor Ding Xiaodong, convener of the Evaluation Group of System Science Discipline of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council and President of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST).

The meeting heard and adopted the 2022 annual work report of Professor Duan Xiaojun, Secretary General of the 8th System Science Discipline Review Group, on behalf of the review group. The participants discussed the key issues about discipline construction and the Action Plan 2023 of the 8th System Science Discipline Review Group.

The meeting heard and endorsed the report on the work of Shanghai Institute of Systems Science in 2022 and the construction of five research centers made by Professor Gu Chunhua, President of Shanghai Institute of Systems Science and Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of USST. The participants discussed the work tasks planned by Shanghai Institute of Systems Science for 2023. It was noted that, besides the routine work, the Institute would provide assistance and guidance for the two important conferences held in 2023, i.e. the Seventh System Science Conference and the First System Science Frontier Forum.

Ding Xiaodong made a concluding speech. He expressed gratitude to the participants for their advice on the future work deployment of the System Science Review Group and the Shanghai Institute of System Science, hoping that in the future, the relevant institutions and research institutions in the field of system science in China would be actively mobilized to jointly promote the development of the system science discipline.