"Career" Points out of Confusion, "Courage" Creates Future -- A Discussion on the Career Development of Public Administration Students in the New Era


Job-hopping, entrepreneurship, or maintaining the status quo, which one to choose?

Facing opportunities, should we "rapid trial and error to reduce costs", or "stable and steady fight against risk"?

Presumably, these are issues that everyone at work encounters. With the fragrant peach and plum trees by the bank of Huangpu River and the orchids and jade trees at the Fuxing garden, the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology has gone through 116 extraordinary years. On the occasion of the anniversary, in order to strengthen the interaction between the university and its alumni, and between the alumni and their younger fellow students, and to promote the development of the alumni ecosystem, the Department of Public Management of the Business School has successively invited senior alumni from different industries and backgrounds to talk about "these things" in career development. The purpose is to actively enhance the value of the alumni platform, make full use of the superior school resources and alumni ecosystem, and provide career planning guidance for students in school.

[The details of the meeting]

As the freshmen returned to the school during this period, the school adopted silent management. This interaction was organized in the form of online sharing. The meeting started at 9:00 a.m. on October 29, and Zhu Shuicheng, the head of the Department of Public Administration, hosted the meeting. He first delivered a speech, expressing warm welcome of the alumni. A total of more than 30 students from the first and second grades of undergraduate and graduate students participated in the meeting.

[Opening: Review of History: Introduction of the Department of Public Management and the Discipline]

At the beginning of the meeting, Zhu Shuicheng, the head of the Department, introduced the development of the Department of Public Administration in detail from four aspects: the evolution of the organizational structure, the development of the discipline, faculty resource and talents cultivation. It deepened the understanding of our faculty and education program. Looking back on history, Teacher Zhu recalled with everyone the memorabilia of the development of the public management discipline, and summarized the opportunities and challenges facing the public management discipline. Looking forward to the future, he called for building more excellent discipline from the perspective of strengthening cooperation, improving discipline standards, adjusting the existing discipline system and strengthening cooperation in talent cultivation.

[Alumni 1] Li Rongge: 2001 alumnus of public affairs management.

At present, he is the deputy captain of the sixth duty team in service of the Daxing Airport Frontier Inspection Station of Beijing Entry Exit Frontier and the first level police chief.

Q1 Please introduce your career development path

"Looking back on the road of civil service exam, ranking the second in the East China could not be achieved without the hard work of teachers in the department. In particular, the interview skills learned from Mr. Zhu Shuicheng were very helpful to me." The senior said so.

Q2 Message to Young Scholars

"First, we should have clear goals during school. It is difficult to start a business in the context of the epidemic, and there are few civil service posts. Younger students who want to start a business should learn capital operation in advance. Second, we should develop some skills, such as computer programming, office software, outstanding writing ability, and obtaining vocational skill certificates. Third, younger students should attend to interpersonal relationships. In the future high-pressure work, we should learn to make a balance in work and interpersonal relationship. Fourth, we should be responsible. The society operates in need of responsible people. Fifth, we should pay attention to the development of personal ability, and keep learning to know more ways and means to solve social problems. "

[Alumni 2] Su Litao, a 2003 alumnus majoring in public affairs management.

Double master's degree in economics and law, Doctor of Philosophy in management of Renmin University of China, holding professional qualifications such as senior economist, certified public accountant, company lawyer, and etc. Love running, and have completed more than 10 marathons in Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen, Lanzhou, and etc. He has been working in a state-owned enterprise for a long time. Now he is the deputy general manager of a secondary brunch under China Information and Communication Technology Group. He has worked in the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council for three years and is familiar with the career development path of state-owned enterprises.

Q1 Senior's work experience

No matter what you do, you should do well what you are doing, which is the best way to grasp future opportunities.

People of different ages in this era have very different ideas. If you want to follow the tide of the time, you must constantly learn new things and follow the trend of the time.

Q2 Three suggestions for younger students

First, be a long-term activist. Do a profound and solid job. Do not change jobs frequently but stick to the same platform, you will gain more. Second, we should persist in learning. It is not only to actively carry out vocational examinations in professional skills to develop abilities, but also read more books on culture, history and philosophy. Third, encourage yourself positively. No matter which platform you are on, you should see the advantages of the platform. We should try to see the advantages and strengths of others and communicate and learn from them.

[Alumnus 3] Gu Hongqing: 2010 alumnus of public affairs management.

Now he works as HR in Shimao and has many years of recruitment experience.

Q1 What younger students must know at the beginning of the career

The "five insurances and one fund" is the guarantee and important reference standard for everyone's work. All students must learn how to convert. You can refer to the five insurances and one fund in each province and city and the after-tax salary calculator to calculate, so as to know whether the salary by the company is reasonable. Secondly, we must see clearly the term of the labor contract, which is related to the length of your internship. We should pay more attention to this information to ensure our own benefit.

Q2 Resume Screening Interface

As a senior HR of the company, Mr. Gu showed us the resume screening interface for HR recruitment, thus giving some suggestions on how to write resumes. First, the internship experience must be clear and complete, and there must be a clear career plan, taking root in the industry they are interested in. Second, try to choose some large well-developed companies for internship. Such internship experience can make more room for development in the future.

[Ending: learning and thinking, sending a message to the students in public management department]

This exchange invited outstanding alumni to share their growth experience and show their achievements in all industries, in order to inspire and guide every student of Public Administration in USST to follow the example of outstanding alumni, develop outstanding skills, innovate and create, refine noble character, pursue youthful ideals, and pave the way for national rejuvenation. As young and hard-working as we are, we will contribute to the development of our country!