Join USSTBS | Recruiting Talents from all over the World




The Business School of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (referred to herein as USSTBS) was formerly the earliest established Systems Engineering Department and Institute in China (1979). In May 1992, the Department of Systems Engineering and the Institute of Systems Engineering were merged into the School of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, which was renamed the School of Management in May 1999. In January 2006, the School of Management was merged with the School of Business to establish today’s USST Business School. The former School of Business was founded in 1988, and its history can be traced back to the Downtown School of Commerce of the University of Shanghai in the 1930s. USSTBS, with its long history, has many famous alumni whose achievements have influence the world.


Discipline Overview

USSTBS adopts a multi-type and multilevel model, involving four first-level disciplines and various subjects, and they are:

Management Discipline, involving: Management Science and Engineering, Business Administration, Public Administration

Economics Discipline, involving: Applied Economics

Science Discipline, involving: Systems Science

Engineering Discipline, involving: Transportation Engineering, Systems Engineering

Systems Science and Management Science and Engineering are the disciplines under the development of local high-level universities in Shanghai.

Applied Economics (Economic System Operation and Control) is the key discipline of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. 

In the fourth round of discipline evaluation of universities nationwide, Systems Science ranked the 3rd in China, and Management Science and Engineering ranked the 19th in China.

At present, USSTBS has two doctor’s degree programs of first-level discipline: Management Science and Engineering, and Systems Science.

Two mobile stations for post-doctoral research:

Management Science and Engineering, and Systems Science.

Four master's degree programs in first-level disciplines.

Eleven authorized master's degree programs in professional degree categories.


Professional Degree Education

In 1981, USSTBS cooperated with MIT Sloan School of Management and other colleges and universities around the world and began to hold a master's program taught entirely in English.

In 1983, the Wall Street Journal of the United States published a special report, saying that ‘this move has created a precedent for MBA education in China’.

At present, there are eleven authorized master's degree programs in professional degree categories

Professional Degrees:

Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Public Administration (MPA)

Master of Engineering Management (MEM), Master of Professional Accounting (MPAcc), Master of Finance (MF), Master of International Business (MIB), Master of Taxation (MT), Master of Project Management, Master of Industrial Engineering and Management, Master of Logistics Engineering and Management, Master of Transportation

Over a long time, the professional degree education of the school has been adhering to the century-old tradition of business management education, based on the profound industry background, focusing on building a base for cultivating high-quality management talents to lead the technological progress of industry, innovating while inheriting. It has become one of the few business schools in China that operate in accordance with AACSB international accreditation standards.



In May 2018, USSTBS was accredited by AACSB, becoming the 20th university in mainland China, the 6th in Shanghai to achieve the accreditation (Up to Aug. 2022, 36 higher education institutions in the mainland China have been accredited).

In 2021, USSTBS officially became the Full Membership of the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) and a signatory member of the United Nations “Principles for Responsible Management Education” (PRME), which fully reflects the internationalization level and strength of the School.

The history of USSTBS’s internationalization can be traced back to the inter-university cooperation agreement signed with MIT Sloan School of Management in December 1979, which is the earliest Sino-foreign cooperation project in Shanghai after the reform and opening up.

In 2018, USSTBS signed cooperation agreements with the University of Wisconsin, the Brest School of Business in France, and the Kenton Business School of Rutgers University in New Jersey, USA. Every year, the School invites a large number of foreign teachers to teach and lecture for the cooperative programs, selects and sends a large number of students to study abroad, and receives more than one hundred international exchange students from Sweden, Germany, the United States and other countries to study at the School.


Academic Competitiveness

In the past five years, USSTBS has been granted:

44 national projects, among them:

36 are National Natural Science Foundation of China projects;

8 National Social Science Foundation of China projects.

14 Humanities and Social Sciences Projects of the Ministry of Education;

32 projects of the Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Planning Program;

11 soft science projects of Shanghai Municipal Science Committee;

5 Key Projects for Decision-making Consultation of Shanghai;

5 projects of Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai;

The total amount of research projects was 50.58 million yuan.

Besides, 6 scientific research awards at or above provincial and ministerial level, 22 invention patents and 41 software copyrights were acquired and more than 120 consulting reports have been adopted by the Ministry of Propaganda, Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and other departments. 71 monographs, 78 edited books and 3 translated books and 3372 papers, including 426 SCI, 43 SSCI, 972 level A and 2080 level B papers were published.

(Data as of December 2021)


Faculty Overview

Wang Yingluo, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, serves as the director of the School Affairs Committee. Currently, there are 269 teachers in the USST Business School, 237 of whom are faculty members. 31 have senior professional title, 95 have associate senior professional title, 100 have medium-grade professional titles and 202 hold doctoral degrees.

One is a member of Discipline Evaluation Group of the State Council;

One honored National Outstanding Teacher by Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China;

One National Science Fund for Excellent Youth Scholar;

Two members of the Education Instruction Committee of Management Science and Engineering in Higher Education of the Ministry of Education;

Two selected into the Program for New Century Excellent Talents of Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China;

One awarded by Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation and MOE as outstanding young teachers

One won K. C. Wong Talents Award;

Two listed among Academic Leader and Talents of the Century, Ministry of Machine-Building Industry;

Three awarded the title of Baosteel Outstanding Teacher;

Four selected into the Dawn Program of Shanghai Education Commission;

One selected Shanghai Youth Top Talent;

One rated as the first Rising Star of Educational Scientific Research in Shanghai;

One won the title of Shanghai Leading Talents;

One Shanghai Leading Talents (overseas);

Six selected into the Pujiang Talent Program;

Three won Shanghai Yucai Award;

Two selected into the Shanghai Rising-Star Program;

Two selected into the Shanghai Chenguang Program;

Four selected into the Shanghai Youth Science and Technology Talent Yangfan Program.



Recruitment Details


Requirements for teaching and research positions



The following three conditions must be fulfilled at the same time.

1. PhD degree from overseas (priority will be given to PhD graduates from top 500 universities in QS World University Ranking); PhD graduates from domestic double-class universities must have one year or more overseas visiting experience.

2. At least 2 papers published as first author or corresponding author in important international SCI/SSCI academic journals or domestic authoritative journals of economics and management (priority will be given to those with one UTD 24 journal papers).

3. PhD degree obtained in the last 3 years, age not more than 35 years old.

National and provincial level talents are not restricted by the above conditions.


Recruitment Fields

Finance and taxation, accounting, transportation management, systems science, management science and engineering, operations research and cybernetics, artificial intelligence, applied mathematics, mathematical statistics, computational mathematics, information management, industrial engineering, international economics and trade, public administration, finance, business administration


Position Responsibilities

1. Complete the teaching work assigned by the school

2. Actively apply for national research projects

3. Publish papers in international authoritative journals in related fields

4. Actively organize and assist in important academic activities

5. Undertake other related work as assigned by the school


Salaries and Benefits

The school will provide competitive salary.

The academic leaders of disciplines and specialties with international and domestic leading level will be paid according to the salary system of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology “Hujiang Leading Talents” recruitment management policies.


Application Instructions

Please register and submit your CV via the recruitment website of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (click “Read the original article” at the end of the article to jump directly to the recruitment website)



Recruitment Manager: Mr. Zhu

Tel: 021-65710216


WeChat: zhukaiUSST

Add: No. 334 Jungong Rd., Yangpu District, Shanghai, China