Five Projects of Our School were Funded by the Humanities and Social Siences of the Ministry of Education in 2022


On July 29, the Department of Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education announced the list of projects for the Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education for the year 2022, and a total of 5 projects were approved for our school, including 4 projects for the Young Scholar Fund Project and 1 project for the Planning Fund, as a congratulation.


Principal Investigator

Project Name

Type of Project


Zhou Yiwei

Research on urban transportation travel   considering endogenous spatial effects under occupancy imbalance: impact   mechanisms, empirical tests and policy recommendations

Young Scholar Fund Project


Tao Jie

Research on China's carbon emission rights   pricing mechanism and carbon allowance allocation method

Young Scholar Fund Project


Kong Ting

Research on the inner mechanism and governance   mechanism of digital technology-driven green supply chain integration

Young Scholar Fund Project


Wei Hairui

Research on the Exit Strategy of Government   Subsidies for China-European Railway Express from the Perspective of   Promoting Alliance Cooperation

Young Scholar Fund Project


Yao Jiao

Analysis of path coordination control mechanism   of commuter traffic in urban road networks under big data environment

Planning Fund Project

Translator: XU Jiawen

Reviewer: QIAN Ying