Meeting of Business School and Fosun Financial Shared Service Center was Successfully Held


On July 15, Business School and Fosun Financial Shared Service Center held an online meeting. Zhang Yang, Senior Director of Human Resources and CHO of Fosun Financial Shared Service Center, Zhou Hui, Senior Manager of Human Resources, Peng Yuting, Financial Audit Specialist and alumnus of Business School Class of 2020, Zhang Yongqing, Deputy Dean of Business School, Luo Fang, Director of the Department of International Economics and Trade, Qin Bingtao, Deputy Director, He Wen, Secretary of the Party Branch, Qin Zhiguo, Director of the Student Work Office, and Jiang Xiaoning, Leader of the Graduation Class of 2023, attended this meeting. The meeting was chaired by Prof. Luo Fang. 

During the meeting, Manager Zhou Hui introduced the business characteristics of Fosun Financial Shared Service Center, the professional background of the required composite talents and the main work content. Director Zhang Yang focused on the founding background and business scope of Fosun Financial Shared Service Center. Deputy Dean Zhang Yongqing introduced the history of Business School, discipline development, achievements in internationalization, talent cultivation, think tank construction as well as the achievements of the School in recent years. In the free exchange session, Qin Bingtao and He Wen, focused on the discipline characteristics and internationalization features of the Department of International Economics and Trade. Qin Zhiguo and Jiang Xiaoning, introduced the scale of students and employment situation of graduates in Business School. Both sides discussed in depth about talent education, student internship, recruitment and employment.

Through this online communication, the two sides reached the intention to further strengthen cooperation, laying a solid foundation for subsequent multi-faceted, multi-form and in-depth communication and cooperation, and striving to build a broader platform for talent education, internship and graduates’ employment of our school.

Translator: XU Jiawen

Reviewer: QIAN Ying