Good News! Business School Has Added Two National and Municipal First-Class Undergraduate Specialty Construction Sites


Recently, the Ministry of Education announced the list of national and provincial first-class undergraduate specialty construction sites in 2021. The Business Administration major of our school was selected as a national first-class undergraduate specialty construction site, and the Industrial Engineering major was selected as a Shanghai first-class undergraduate specialty construction site. So far, Business School has 2 national-level first-class undergraduate specialty construction sites and 2 municipal-level first-class undergraduate specialty construction sites.


Serial number






Business Administration

National Level



Management Science

National Level



Industrial Engineering

Municipal Level



Information Management and Information   System

Municipal Level

The Ministry of Education launched the “Double Ten Thousand Plan” for the construction of first-class undergraduate specialties in 2019. It plans to build about 10,000 national-level first-class undergraduate specialties and about 10,000 provincial-level first-class undergraduate specialties in the three-year period from 2019 to 2021, aiming to promote new engineering , new medical science, new agricultural science, new liberal arts construction, strengthen first-class undergraduates, build first-class specialties, cultivate first-class talents, comprehensively revitalize undergraduate education, and realize the connotative development of higher education.

In recent years, Business School has attached great importance to the application and construction of the Double Ten Thousand Plan for first-class undergraduate majors, focusing on top-level design, and taking multiple measures to promote professional transformation and upgrading. The leaders of the school have held special meetings for many times, carefully deployed, and carefully organized all departments to do a good job in application organization, expert review and experience exchange, and strive to improve the quality of application for first-class undergraduate specialty construction sites.

The Business Administration and Industrial Engineering was successfully selected as a first-class undergraduate specialty construction site, which is a remarkable achievement of the school's undergraduate major construction. Business School will give full play to the demonstration and radiation role of the first-class undergraduate specialty construction sites, accelerate the optimization and adjustment of undergraduate majors, and continue to enhance the school's talent training ability and training quality.


Translator: FU Wenhan

Reviewer: ZHOU Yiwei