Teaching is not suspended while fighting epidemic" - seminar on ideological and political education and online teaching held by the Department of Industrial Engineering


On April 26, the Department of Industrial Engineering held an online seminar on ideological and political education, graduation thesis guidance, online teaching and curriculum assessment. A total of 19 teachers participated in the seminar, which was presided over by Dr. Liu Qinming.


At the seminar, Liu Qinming, the head of the Department of Industrial Engineering, introduced the progress of this semester's curriculum ideological and political, graduation thesis guidance, online teaching and curriculum assessment, conveyed the latest requirements of the university and school, and encouraged teachers to actively participate in the curriculum ideological and political construction and online education and teaching of the university and school. After that, the teachers shared and exchanged ideas on these issues.


In terms of curriculum ideological and political education, the participating teachers discussed how to implement the combination of theory and practice, the combination of indoctrination and infiltration, in curriculum ideological and political education.


Professor Li Junxiang shared in the course of “Smart Logistics And Supply Chain Management” that the COVID-19, especially the epidemic in Shanghai, needs logistics and supply chain to ensure material supply. The party and the government attach great importance to ensuring the people's livelihood. On the one hand, they block the virus transmission pathway, and on the other hand, they have to distribute materials to each community. Smart logistics plays an important role, including unmanned delivery vehicles, drones and other transportation methods. During the Winter Olympic Games, in order to prevent the spread of the epidemic and cut the transmission, an unmanned restaurant was used to stir fry, transmit and deliver. The whole process did not involve human so that the virus could travel nowhere. Doing so will enhance students' love for the party and their patriotic enthusiasm. In the part of enterprise logistics, when referring to the supply of raw materials, we talked about the double carbon goal, green raw materials and carbon price. When it comes to the price of raw materials, including the price required for carbon reduction, it is required to be environment-friendly. Green water and green mountains are the truth of gold mountain and silver mountain, so as to maintain the sustainable development of society.


Dr. Wei Hairui shared her experience of using social practice cases in the course “engineering economics”. For example, through the case of the construction of the Great Wall, students were inspired to discuss on costs and benefits and cultivated objective evaluation of projects from the perspective of social development and economic benefits. The students' ability to integrate theory with practice was developed. Also there are useful cases including the cost for epidemic control, uncertain events, and rational decisions, and real and vivid stories in the history. In the course “human resources management”, the application of personality thinking in human resources was used to induce students to think actively, discuss with classic fables, establish the values and methodology of seeking truth from facts, cultivate the sense of responsibility and responsibility, realize the educational goal of building morality and cultivating people for adapting to the workplace in the future.


In terms of online teaching, in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic in Shanghai, which posed new challenges to teaching and learning, the teachers attending the meeting discussed how to carry out online teaching according to the requirement of Shanghai and the university, suspension of classes but, no suspension of teaching or learning, and the implementation for undergraduate, recording and broadcasting, for graduates live teaching.


Dr. Geng Xiuli analyzed the value orientation of the curriculum online teaching reform and pointed out two major challenges of online teaching: one is the lack of interaction between teachers and students, and the other is the lack of timely feedback, which makes it difficult to immediately evaluate students' outcome. In undergraduate teaching, students can control the rhythm of lectures, so they can tell students the key and difficult points in advance. Through online learning platform, arrange learning topics in advance and ask questions in class to strengthen the learning effect. In graduate teaching, Tencent conference will be broadcast live. The online learning platform has the function of selecting people. It can allow students to answer questions and do homework so that teachers can grasp students' learning progress in real time.


In the undergraduate course “ergonomics”, Dr. Xie Minzhi effectively improved the teaching effect through the mixed teaching mode of recording and broadcasting + live broadcasting. The theoretical content in the course is recorded and broadcast, while the thinking problems are broadcast live. Through classroom questioning and group work, guide students to make the work design more humane. Especially in combination with today's epidemic situation, students are allowed to independently design detection processes, protective clothing and other epidemic prevention equipment, and share the design results live, so as to timely test students' understanding and learning results. In order to increase classroom interaction and promote students' thinking, students are divided into groups. While one group of students reports the results, the other groups ask questions respectively, which greatly strengthens the students' impression on the content.


Dr. Huang He analyzed the characteristics of online teaching and put forward ways and methods to improve the teaching outcome. First of all, undergraduate students have low enthusiasm in course recording and broadcasting. Teachers need to give play to the competition mechanism and use process assessment to stimulate students' enthusiasm in the whole process during and after class. Secondly, in view of the lack of interaction between teachers and students, teachers can make full use of a variety of interactive means of platform, including one network learning, Tencent conference, wechat group and other platforms by which students can answer and be stimulated to learn, therefore creating a good classroom atmosphere. Third, online videos carry forward teachers' ethics and style, remind students to take epidemic prevention measures while learning. The positive message would be spread, especially for some students who are quarantined and transferred being COVID-19 positive or a close contact. We should pay more attention to them and communicate with them, be their good teachers and friends, and accompany them to spend the time together.


In terms of graduation thesis, Dr. Tai Yuhong conveyed the requirements and arrangements of the university and school. In view of the epidemic, the university has arranged two delayed defenses, the first will be in June and the second will be in September. Teachers need to upload the graduation thesis on time, check the duplicate and confirm the progress of the thesis, ghost writing, violation handling and timely inspection. In particular, all teachers discussed and agreed that we should strengthen academic ethics, eliminate bad phenomena and misconduct such as plagiarism, and create an academic integrity atmosphere in the department. The graduation thesis of students suspected of academic misconduct such as plagiarism, forgery, tampering, trading and ghost writing will be reported to the university and school for investigation, verification and penalization.


Finally, Dr. Liu Qinming introduced the requirements and precautions of curriculum assessment. Due to the increase of students' self-study in online courses compared with offline courses, teachers should supervise the process and answer questions in time. To deal with the impact of the epidemic, we should take care of and appease students' emotions, and start preparing final examination papers for each course or formulating examination methods. In addition, in terms of specialty construction and assessment, undergraduate students are trained to publish papers, and students are encouraged to actively participate in Class A competitions such as Internet +, Challenge Cup and logistics design competition, so as to cultivate qualified talents of industrial engineering discipline that meet the needs of national reform and development at multiple levels and dimensions.

Translator: XIAO Yuewen

Reviewer: ZHOU Huijun