Meeting on the Cloud and Talking about Major Streaming--Business School held a seminar on major streaming for 2021 undergraduates


In order to improve the quality of talents cultivation and help students fully understand the major streaming policy and choose suitable majors, the Business School conducted a lecture on major streaming on cloud for the undergraduate economic management pilot class of 2021 in the morning of April 10. Deputy dean ZHANG Zheng, department head LIU Qinming  of Industrial Engineering Department, deputy department head QIN Bingtao of International Economics and Trade Department, deputy department head JI Li of Finance and Taxation Department, deputy department head CHEN Zhiyong of Accounting Department, deputy department head ZHANG Ling of Finance Department, ZHAO Xin of Public Management Department, members of Teaching Affairs Office and all undergraduate students of Economics and Management Pilot Class 2021 attended the seminar. The meeting was hosted by Director SHU Yiming of Undergraduate Teaching Affairs Office.


Prof.ZHANG Zheng made a comprehensive introduction from the historical origin, faculty team, research strength and professional settings of the Business School, highlighting the features and achievements of the School in internationalization, industry-university cooperation, cross-discipline, innovation and entrepreneurship education, etc.


Dr. QIN Bingtao introduced the strong faculty strength of the Department of International Economics and Trade, the good prospect of professional development and the characteristics of running school with competition instead of learning and international exchange. Dr. ZHANG Ling demonstrated the training objectives, professional advantages and professional frontier theory teaching of the Finance major, and pointed out that the major has a mature industry-university cooperation mechanism and paid attention to the cultivation of students' practical ability. Dr. JI Li introduced the cultivation idea, teaching construction effectiveness and student development path of the Taxation major, and the quality of graduates was fully affirmed by the employers of finance and taxation management departments, manufacturing enterprises and modern service industry. Dr. CHEN Zhiyong comprehensively elaborated the practice and achievements of talent training in accounting from the aspects of school history, cultivation program and cultivation quality, and put forward strategies that help improve students' learning effect. Focusing on the characteristics and advantages of the Public Service Management major, Dr. ZHAO Xin introduced the achievements of the program in terms of faculty construction, curriculum construction, and cultivation of students' innovation ability. Based on the national strategic demand for industrial engineering, Dr. LIU Qinming elaborated the ideology and educational and teaching achievements of the major, pointing out that the major has established joint training mechanisms with large enterprises such as COMAC, Siemens and Shentong Metro, providing students with a good practical training and practice platform, and the quality of student training has been continuously improved. After that, the students asked questions to the teachers according to their personal professional interests and doubts, and had exchanges and discussions.


Finally, Prof. ZHANG Zheng made a concluding speech, hoping that students will think about their own situation, professional interests, future development and other aspects of professional choice, do not blindly follow the trend, and choose a suitable for themselves and in line with their own career planning.


The seminar enabled the students to have a detailed and comprehensive understanding of the characteristics and advantages of each major in the economic management pilot class, built a platform for two-way communication between teachers and students, enhanced students' self-development positioning, rational choice of majors, and laid a solid foundation for the cultivation of composite talents to meet the needs of society.

Translator: Zhou Yiwei

Reviewer: FU Wenhan