The awarding ceremony of the fourth Shangli Tonghuashun Cup College Students’ simulated stock investment competition grandly held


In order to strengthen the connection between knowledge learning and practical operation, enrich students’ extracurricular practical activities and cultivate students’ financial practical ability, on the basis of successfully holding three simulated stock investment competitions, undertaken by the Shanghai Business Administration Professional Degree Graduate Education Steering Committee, and Shanghai Engineering Management Society Technical Innovation Professional Committee, co-organized by Shanghai Business Administration Professional Degree Graduate Education Steering Committee Industry-Education Integration Special Committee, the Business School(BS) of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology(USST), the Department of Finance of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology(USST), and co-sponsored by Zhejiang Tonghuashun Network Information Co., Ltd., the fourth Shangli Tonghuashun Cup College Students’ simulated stock investment competition successfully completed the competition schedule, and a grand award ceremony was held in the second meeting room (Lecture Hall) of BS on Dec. 30, 2021. Zhang Zheng, deputy dean of the BS, Sun Yingjun, director of the Financial Master Program, Huang Yugang, senior manager of Tonghuashun Network Information Co., Ltd., and faculties from the Department of Finance attended the award ceremony.


Prof. HU Xiangpei, vice chairman of the special committee, from the School of Economics and Management of Dalian University of technology, presided over the opening ceremony. Firstly, Prof. HU Xiangpei introduced the guests and the organization and preparation of the conference. Then, Prof. XU Xiaodong, chairman of the special committee and vice president of Huazhong University of science and technology, delivered a speech on behalf of the professional committee. He welcomed the guests, thanked the BS-USST for hosting the meeting, reviewed and summarized the work of the special committee in the past year, and said that standing at the historical intersection of the goals of “two centenaries”, the special committee should further enhance its sense of responsibility and mission, and devote itself to the great journey of building a powerful modern socialist country in an all-round way with a stronger sense of mission, a higher mental state and a more pragmatic work style. Finally, Professor Zhao Laijun, Dean of the BS-USST, delivered a speech on behalf of the organizer. He thanked and welcomed all leaders and experts to the meeting, and briefly introduced the development history of the BS-USST.


Since the start of the competition, it has attracted the enthusiastic participation of undergraduates and postgraduates from Tongji University, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai Second University of Technology and other universities in Shanghai. After 8 weeks of fierce competition, according to the rate of return ranking, there are 1 first prize, 2 second prizes and 9 third prizes.


Zhang Zheng, deputy dean of the Business School, said that the Business School has always strongly supported college students’ discipline competition activities, adhered to promoting learning and teaching through competition, and hoped that students could integrate knowledge with practice, apply what they learned and thought to specific practice and enhance their ability. In addition, we hope to actively carry out the integration of industry and education in the future, closely combine industry and teaching, support and promote each other, so that students can meet the needs of industry and cultivate and output higher quality talents for the country and enterprises.


Huang Yugang, senior university manager of Zhejiang Tonghuashun Network Technology Co., Ltd., said that he hopes to further strengthen cooperation with the Department of Finance, jointly build a financial intelligence education cooperation model with USST, bring more learning and training opportunities for more students, further improve personal financial intelligence, and become a future outstanding talent who understands finance, knows financial management, resists risks and is good at practice.


Then the award ceremony of the competition was held.

 Deputy Dean ZHANG Zheng awarded the first prize

  Director SUN Yingjun and manager HUANG Yugang awarded the second prize

 The third prize awarded by the faculty of the Department of Finance

 Group photo

Translator: ZHENG Yu

Reviewer: LIU Pengfei