Department of Finance launched a series of activities to cooperate in the construction of financial experimental platform


In order to improve the practical operation ability of financial products, the processing ability of financial big data and the practical application ability of financial technology for students of finance major, the Department of Finance has carried out a series of industry-university cooperation activities in recent time to help promote the construction of finance experiment platform.

The Department of Finance and the ZBG Education held a discussion and exchange on the construction of the financial derivatives experiment platform in Conference Room 201 of the National Economic Management Experiment Center on the afternoon of December 7. The president of the ZBG Education, SA Renna, the director of East China School-Enterprise department, LI Shiping, the quantitative trading instructor WANG Yao, and WANG Zongrui from ALPHAZONE Financial Technology Group, the vice dean of Business School USST, HE Jianjia, the director of the National Economic Management Center, YU Mingliang, and the secretary of the Department of Finance, ZHANG Ting, attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by ZHANG Qinglong, the director of the Department of Finance.

President SA Renna introduced the concept of financial industry-university-research ecosystem based on financial labs in cooperation with universities. She pointed out that the system is not simply a trading lab or a set of courses, but a whole set of financial industry-university-research solutions, a self-contained closed-loop ecological system. Director LI Shiping gave a specific introduction to the financial industry-university-research ecosystem of the ZBG Education. WANG Yao introduced and demonstrated the functions of derivatives trading platforms such as commodity futures, stock futures, currency derivatives and bond derivatives.

Then, Vice Dean HE Jianjia talked about the idea of the construction of the financial derivatives experimental platform from the perspective of system theory. He pointed out that the construction of the platform should be combined with the characteristics of our finance major and with the courses related to financial derivatives, so as to improve the students' practical ability in financial derivatives while integrating the educational concept of building moral character into it and improving the comprehensive quality of students. Director YU Mingliang made an analysis on the current software and hardware experimental conditions of the National Economic Management Experimental Center, as well as the feasibility of accessing the financial derivatives experimental platform. Dr. ZHANG Ting from the Department of Finance made some suggestions on the construction of derivatives experiment platform by combining her teaching experience of securities investment and financial derivatives related courses.


                  Discussion and exchange between the two sides


Finally, both sides agreed to promote the cooperation of financial derivatives experimental platform construction as soon as possible to help the construction of finance majors with the characteristics of USST.

This meeting was preceded by a combined online and offline meeting between the Department of Finance and Zhejiang Tonghuashun Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. in Conference Room 201 of the National Economic Management Experiment Center on November 15, which focused on the construction of a financial technology experiment platform. It is part of the Ministry of Education's industry-university cooperation project between the two parties. FU Guangjun, Shanghai regional director of Tonghuashun, ZHANG Zhaochun, regional manager responsible for universities in Shanghai, CHEN Cheng, senior product manager targeting colleges and universities, HUANG Yugang, senior manager responsible for colleges and universities, and LI Bing and LIAO Xin, teachers of the Department of Finance, attended the meeting online. YU Mingliang, director of the National Economic Management Experiment Center, and ZHANG Qinglong, director of the Department of Finance, attended the meeting offline.

Director ZHANG Qinglong firstly explained the requirements of the industry-university cooperation project of the Ministry of Education, and exchanged ideas with the guests on the construction of the experimental platform of big data finance, intelligent finance and blockchain finance.

Manager CHEN Cheng introduced the advantages of Tonghuashun Technology in big data finance, intelligent finance, blockchain finance and financial database, and showed the company's experimental platform of big data finance and intelligent finance online, and made a presentation on the functions of the platform. Director YU Mingliang, Dr. LI Bing and Dr. LIAO Xin exchanged and discussed with the guests on the feasibility of introducing the FinTech experimental platform into the National Economic Management Experiment Center, the teaching of quantitative finance and big data finance courses, research demand and the experimental platform content. Finally, both sides reached a consensus on the construction plan of the three major experimental platforms of FinTech (big data finance, intelligent finance and blockchain finance) as well as the faculty training. And under the industry-university cooperation project of the Ministry of Education, Tonghuashuan Technology agreed to  implement the agreement of donating software worth RMB 200,000 to USST.

It has been an important initiative of the Department of Finance to improve the quality of training of financial professionals by building a financial experiment platform, allowing students to complete the training of practical operation ability of various financial products and application ability of financial technology on campus, and improving their ability to combine theory and practice.

Translator:XU Jiawen

Reviewer: LIU Pengfei