The 3rd Hujiang International Young Scholars Forum of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and Shanghai University Leagues Forum for International Young Scholars, Special Session on System Science
(June 25-26 2021)


1. Forum Introduction

The 2021 Shanghai University Leagues Forum for International Young Scholars (SULFIYS) serves as an academic exchange platform for international young scholars, hosted by Shanghai Educational Human Resource Exchange & Service Center and Shanghai University Talent Work Alliance and organized by universities in Shanghai.

The Special Session on System Science of SULFIYS is organized by the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. The forum sincerely invites talents at home and abroad to participate, aiming to build an academic exchange platform for outstanding scholars at home and abroad in System Science and related disciplines and promote academic exchanges and cooperation.


2. Theme of the Forum

The forum is consisted of “main forum and sub-forum”, in which well-known experts at home and abroad make special reports during the main forum. The sub-forums’ reports are presented by young scholars, and the topics include System Science Theory and Method, Transportation Engineering Theory and Method, Management Science and Engineering Theory and Method.


The forum covers research fields such as Systems Science, Transportation Engineering, Management Science and Engineering, and Systems Engineering. Outstanding young scholars in related fields at home and abroad are sincerely invited to sign up for the conference.


3. Application Conditions

(1) The age is under 40 years old;


(2) Obtained or will obtain a doctoral degree from a well-known university at home and abroad; have great critical thinking skills, a good academic background and academic attainments.


(3) Active academic thinking, good academic background, academic attainments, and certain achievements or development potential in the subject field of research.


4. Agenda

Offline Forum Address: Business School, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (No. 334, Jungong Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai, China)

Online Forum Method: Tencent Meeting




June 25,   2021

Friday Afternoon

Forum Check-in


June 26,   2021

Saturday Morning

Opening Ceremony and Main Forum Special   Report

Saturday   Afternoon

Sub-forum   academic seminar


5. Contact

Contact: Zhu Kai

Phone: 021-65710216



6. Registration process

1. Before June 11, 2021, please submit the following materials:

(1) One digital bareheaded photo, and the photo is named after your name, such as “Mr. /Ms. Zhang”;

(2) A copy of the Word version of the Chinese self-introduction, and the document is named after your name, such as “Mr. /Ms. Zhang”;

(3) The electronic version of the paper including one abstract in both Chinese and English, and the file is named after your name, such as “Mr. /Ms. Zhang + System Science”;

(4) Fill in the Tencent questionnaire, and scan the QR code of the questionnaire below: 

(5) Relevant electronic materials are packaged and sent to

2. Before June 15, 2021, the institute will conduct a qualification review of applicants and issue a forum invitation letter.


7. Forum Funding

1. The accommodation is arranged uniformly during the forum, and the expenses are borne by the institute.

2. Invited participants will be reimbursed for the actual travel expenses incurred to and from Shanghai for participating in the conference (limited to economy class or high-speed rail second-class seats). During the forum, please refer to the “Notice on Printing and Distributing the ‘Schedule of Standards for Travel and Accommodation Expenses for Municipal Authorities in Shanghai’” and the “Administrative Measures for Meeting Fees of Shanghai Municipal Organs”.



USST System Science Introduction

The University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST) is one of the earliest institutions in China to carry out systematic scientific research. Its research fields radiate Management Science and Engineering, Public Administration, Business Administration, Engineering Management, Financial Engineering, Traffic Management. In 1995, USST System Science became a key discipline of the former Ministry of Machinery Industry, and was the only provincial and ministerial key discipline in the country at that time. USST System Science was included in the Key Discipline Construction Plan of Shanghai in 2008, a Peak Discipline of Shanghai in 2015, and a Double First-Class Construction Discipline in Shanghai in 2018. Through years of discipline construction, USST has built a research team with great strength and influence at home and abroad, and its System Science ranks among the best in the fourth round of Discipline Evaluation by the Ministry of Education.

USST System Science has been maintaining long-term close scientific research cooperation with Juan Carlos University in Spain, Leiden University in the Netherlands, National University of Singapore, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and National Taiwan University. The disciplinary members include prestigious professors that are members of the State Council Disciplinary Review Committee, national outstanding teachers, Oriental Scholars, and ten talents at or above the provincial and ministerial level. The team has won the Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award and other provincial and ministerial science and technology awards. This discipline has attracted a group of young scientific research talents who are active thinkers and courageous innovators. The young backbones of the team have mostly presided over National Natural Science Foundation-funded projects and published high-level papers as the first author. Disciplinary members have always upheld systematic scientific thinking and applied systematic scientific methods in scientific research, and achieved obvious social benefits.


USST Profile

The University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST) is a key applied research-oriented university in Shanghai with a balanced development of a broad range of disciplines, including engineering, science, economics, management, literature, law, art, etc. In 2018, the school became a pilot unit for the construction of a high-level local institution of higher education in Shanghai.

Covering a total area of nearly 1,000 acres, USST has two campuses, Yangpu Campus and Fuxing Campus. There are 17 colleges (departments) and more than 27,000 full-time students, consisting of over 18,000 undergraduates and over 9,000 postgraduates. Among its 2,390 faculty and staff are 10 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (including double-employed academicians), 75 national-level talents, 189 provincial and ministerial-level talents, 859 teachers with senior titles, and 260 doctoral supervisors.

Leveraging, serving, and leading the development of the industries, USST has become a leading university in the equipment manufacturing, medical equipment, publishing and printing industries. As a long-time leader in disciplines such as power engineering and engineering thermophysics, optical engineering, management science and engineering in China, the university also has a profound industry connection in the medical instruments, publishing and printing industries. In recent years, the school's discipline layout has been continuously optimized. There are currently 60 undergraduate programs, eight first-class doctoral programs, six post-doctoral programs, 27 first-class master’s degree programs, and 18 professional master’s degree programs at USST. It also boasts 19 national teaching platforms and 51 provincial and ministerial teaching platforms, seven national scientific research platforms and 34 provincial and ministerial scientific research platforms. USST’s Engineering, Materials Science, Chemistry and Computer Science have long ranked among the top 1% worldwide based on Essential Science Indicators (ESI).


USST is actively serving the strategic needs of the country and Shanghai by tapping the potentials of its three international labs of Future Optics, Intelligent Manufacturing, Medical Instruments and Rehabilitation Engineering as well as its featured platform of System Management as the carriers to build the five first-class disciplines of Optical Engineering, System Science, Power Engineering and Thermo-physics, Mechanical Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering as well as a high-level disciplinary construction in Management Science and Engineering. USST continues to support disciplinary development and pushes ahead on the construction of a high-level university.