Teachers and Students of Business School Scaled New Heights in the 2021 Shanghai University Business Elite Challenge Competition—International Trade Competition


Recently, 2021 Shanghai University Business and Trade Elite Challenge CompetitionInternational Trade Competition, sponsored by the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, co-organized by the Commercial Industry Committee of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, and undertaken by Shanghai Ocean University, was held at Shanghai Ocean University. 45 teams from 14 universities including University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai University, Shanghai Second Polytechnic University and Shanghai Ocean University participated in the competition.

Professor Luo Fang, Director of the Department of International Economics and Trade of Business School, Teacher Tang Qiao, and Yang Le led 4 teams mainly composed of students from Business School. After fierce competition in the two links of the new product launch conference and business matching negotiations, combined with the evaluation results of the exhibition business plan and the electronic booth map submitted by each team before the competition, Business School finally won one first prize and two second prizes The excellent performance continued our excellent performance in this competition. The USST won the Outstanding Organization Award. Teacher Tang Qiao was invited to comment on the negotiation process. She affirmed and praised the students' professionalism and excellent English expression, and pointed out that there is still improvement potential in practical negotiation skills.

Business and Trade Elite Challenge CompetitionInternational Trade Competition is a platform for cross-professional comprehensive training and innovative practice in the field of higher business education of China. It is the largest and highest-level international trade on-site event and is listed in competition catalog of Association for Higher Education. Some elites from international trade companies were also invited as referees. Students' comprehensive practical ability was evaluated from multiple dimensions, such as the communication review of exhibiting business plans, booth poster design and merchandise display to the on-site review of new product releases and business matching trade negotiations.

Under the professional guidance of the instructor team of the Department of International Trade and Economics, students of Business School have shown solid international trade performance, fluent English expression, and decent business etiquette in the competition, which have won unanimous praise from the judges. They have fully practiced the concept of AACSB certification of Business School. students' comprehensive quality and innovation ability was improved by the competition.