First-level Doctoral Discipline:Systems Science


Discipline Code: 0711

Head of the Discipline: Prof. GAO Yan


Systems Science is the earliest science discipline in University of Shanghai for Science and Technology that has the right to grant doctoral degree. It was founded in 1979 and is one of the earliest disciplines of the same kind in China. It was granted the right to grant master's degree in 1993, becoming a key discipline of the former Ministry of Machinery Industry in 1995, and was granted the right to grant doctoral degree in 2006. In 2008, it was listed in the key discipline construction plan of Shanghai Education Commission, and in 2012, it was listed in the first-class discipline construction plan of Shanghai universities. In 2015, it was approved as the Class III peak discipline of Shanghai, and in 2018, it was approved as the first-class discipline of Shanghai high-level universities. In the same year, it was upgraded from the second-level doctoral program of System Analysis and Integration to the first-level doctoral program of Systems Science. In 2019, it was approved as a postdoctoral mobile station, and in 2021, it was approved as a discipline of Shanghai high-level university construction. It was ranked the third in the fourth round of subject evaluation results of the Ministry of Education. The major development direction includes: System Analysis, Optimization, Control, System Biology, Network Computing and Parallel Computing, Parallel Complex Network Algorithms, and Complex Systems Theory.