The Fifth “XianKe Cup” Final Competition of Industrial Engineering Application and Innovation for University Students in Shanghai, IE Plus of Lean Production was Held in Our School


For promoting the further application of the industrial engineering in all kinds of enterprises throughout the country, set up a platform for exchanging and sharing industrial engineering achievements, improving the competitiveness of China enterprises in the process of industrial transformation and upgrading, under the direction of the Ministry of Education Higher Education Industrial Engineering Professional Teaching Committee, Chinese Industrial Engineering Institute of CMES, the final competition and the talent development forum which were co-hosted by Shanghai Mechanical Engineering Society, Shanghai Engineering Management Society, Shanghai Industrial Engineering Committee of Mechanical Engineering, Business School at University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST BA) and Shanghai Xianke Information Technology Co. Ltd. , were held in a grand manner on Oct.30th at Business school(BS) of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology(USST).

Ye Chunming, the vice director and Secretary-General of Shanghai Industrial Engineering Committee of Mechanical Engineering and Professor of USST officiated the opening ceremony. Professor Zhang Hua, vice president of USST, Huang Qingfeng, President and Deputy Party Secretary of Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Co. Ltd, Xue Shuncao, former Head of global industrial engineering at Huawei, Wang Jinfeng, vice-chairman of the Teaching Steering Committee of Industrial Engineering Specialty in higher education institutions of the Ministry of Education, national teaching master, and specially appointed second-grade professor of Shanghai Maritime University, Wang Wei, Party Secretary of USST BS attended the opening ceremony and made separate speeches. Zhang zheng, Associate Dean of USST BS delivered the closing speech. The relative person in charge of Business School, all the teachers of the Department of Industrial Engineering, the teachers and students of the participating teams, teachers of other universities and experts of enterprises also attended the opening ceremony.

Zhang Hua, Vice Principle of USST, on behalf of the University, welcomed the students and teachers joining the competition and the forum, and introduced the current situation of the school’s teaching reform. He mentioned that under the situation of national education reform, the industrial engineering application and innovation contest had a grand plan from today and the reform path of training talents could be innovative, which could pave a new way for the National Competition. President Huang Qingfeng expressed the hope that the Industrial Engineering competition would be held annually and would be better and better. It would further provide a platform for exchange and cooperation for the integration of Industry and education, enterprise transformation and talent cultivation, and helped the manufacturing of a powerful country. Minister Xue Shuncao pointed out that industrial engineering had no value if it did not produce value for the benefit of the enterprise. We must pay close attention to what is the essence of industrial engineering, and we must do the basic work well. The change of industry was both opportunity and risk to us. Only by seizing the opportunity and risk could we make our 200-year-old profession continuously deal with the change of environment. Professor Wang Jinfeng said in the speech that industrial engineering was Keep improving, only asks the best, but it could not only ask the best,  the industrial engineering specialized personnel training was also important. She was very honored to tell every teacher and students of industrial engineering, our industrial engineering was not the best, only better. Industrial Engineering was omnipresent and omnipotent. Party Secretary Wang Wei introduced the development of the BS, saying that the school had achieved good results in personnel training, scientific research, social service and cultural inheritance and innovation. The school had hosted the Industrial Engineering Application Innovation Competition many times, with the purpose of taking this as a grasp and building a communication platform for industrial engineering application. By promoting the wide application and innovation of technical methods and tools in the field of industrial engineering, the society could better understand industrial engineering, improve the practical ability of university students of industrial engineering and promote the further application of industrial engineering in Shanghai.

The competition invited Professor Wang Jinfeng, vice-chairman of the Industrial Engineering Professional Teaching Committee of the Ministry of Education, the Shanghai Maritime University of the Ministry of Education, Professor Pan Ershun, director of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Department of Industrial Engineering, Professor Ma Huimin, director of the Shanghai Dianji University, Yu Xiping, Director of the Technology Department of Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Co. Ltd, Dr. Cao Jin, director of the Intelligent Manufacturing Promotion Office of Highly Group, and Li Dan, manager of human-machine engineering of SAIC-GM to be the judges. This competition attracted Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai University, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai Polytechnic University, South China University of Technology, China Jiliang University, China University of Mining and Technology, Zhongyuan University of Technology and other universities to applicate form for selection of entries. Through to the work carries on the appraisal, judges finally selected 18 groups of work to enter the final round. The final competition would be decided by the way of on-the-spot defense, according to the meaning, feasibility, method application and effect of the project. Eighteen outstanding teams had demonstrated a wide variety of industrial engineering cases, and each team member had analyzed the feasibility and organizational structure of their projects in combination with the production practice of the enterprise. After a fierce competition, two teams from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the Shanghai Maritime University won the first prize, and the contest also decided on the second and third prizes.

The IE Plus of Lean Production talent training forum was a new way to meet the new demand of industrial engineering talents under the new situation of intelligent manufacturing in China, and Industrial Engineering Education in the process of new opportunities, new challenges related to research and discussion. The forum used the report form to carry on the personnel training exchanges. Huang Qingfeng, President and Deputy Party Secretary of Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Co. Ltd, Xue Shuncao, former Head of global industrial engineering at Huawei, Professor Wu Aihua, head of the innovation experimental class of “intelligent engineering and management” in Shandong University, Professor Lu Jianxia, Deputy Director of the Teaching Steering Committee for Industrial Engineering Majors in higher education institutions of the Ministry of Education and Director of the Zhejiang University of Technology, Professor Zhang Shuntang, Professor Zhang Shuntang, member of the Teaching Steering Committee of Industrial Engineering Specialty in higher education institutions of the Ministry of Education and Director of the Shandong Institute of Business and Technology,  Li Wanhua, Deputy Director of Shanghai Industrial Engineering Committee and Co-Funder of Shanghai Xianke Information Technology Co. Ltd were invited to make the forum reports. The forum was chaired by Professor Ye Chunming.

At last, Professor Zhang Zheng, Associate Dean of USST BA made closing remarks for this competition and forum. He hoped that the young teachers and students would not forget the original intention and mission of industrial engineering. On the way of improving efficiency and continuous improvement, they should insist the problem-oriented principle, constantly innovate and contribute their wisdom to the theoretical and applied innovation of industrial engineering. He also hoped young scholars could integrate their personal growth and development into the general trend of national and national development, and contribute their own strength to the construction of industrial engineering management theory and practice system in China.

The 2020 Shanghai University Students’ Industrial Engineering Competition & Talent Training Forum came to an end amid applause, but the efforts to promote China’s industrial engineering cause will not stop. Hoping more universities, enterprises and students will participate in the industrial engineering competition and Talent Training Forum!