The final competition of the application case in system engineering was first successfully held in our school in 2020


Organized by the education of system engineering committee of China System Engineering Society and hosted by the academic administration of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST) and the business school of USST, the final of the first competition of the application case in system engineering, was held successfully in the first conference room of the Business School. He Jianjia, the deputy secretary general of the education of system engineering committee of China System Engineering Society as well as the vice dean of business school, Zhou Yi, General Secretary of the business school of the Shanghai University of Political Science and Law; He Jing, associate professor of the Shanghai Ocean University; and Li Gang, deputy general manager of the industry-university Cooperation Group of Jindao Group, attended the final and judge the final .

Before the final, He Jianjia, vice dean of business school, welcomed the students and teachers from other universities in Shanghai and encouraged them to be innovative and make full use of the competition to promote learning.

This competition aims to improve the innovation and practical ability of college students, respond to the call of the country to cultivate applied, compound and innovative talents, and train college students to use systematic thinking as a guide to select complex and meaningful practical problems for analysis and application and innovation.The competition attracted the participation of teachers and students from the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Xianda College of economics & humans, Shanghai International Studies University, and University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. Total 40 teams have entered the competition. After preliminary selection, 21 teams have reached the final.


The competition aims to improve college students' creative and practical ability, in response to the call of the national culture applications, complex and innovative talents, training college students to ideological system as a guide, select complex, meaningful real problem analysis, application






And innovation.






After the fierce final on-the-spot defense, the final competition out of the first prize for 3 teams, the Second Prize for 5 teams, the Third Prize for 8 teams. The competition also selected the award of the Outstanding, the Best Organization, the Best Topic, the Best Elegant, and the Outstanding Instructor and so on. The list of winners is attached.

The teams applied the theoretical knowledge they had learned to solve practical problems, not only focusing on the business and commercial fields, but also focusing on solving social problems related to the national economy and the people’s livelihood, for example, under the COVID-19, the decision of Wuhan’s closure, the food and beverage industry recovery under the COVID-19, the block chain in the food security field application and so on. Through this competition, the students’ theoretical and practical ability has been promoted to achieve the goal of promoting learning through competition.

Scene of the final competition

He Jianjia, associate dean of USSTBS

The first prize winner from Shanghai University of Political Science and Law

Second Prize Winner from University of Shanghai for Science and Technology