Classes are suspended during the “epidemic period”, and classes are kept in isolation. All teachers of the Department of Information Management are acting


During the epidemic prevention and control period, in order to implement the requirements of “leave school without leaving teaching, and postponement without delay”, the Department of Information Management initiated online teaching preparations in advance, carefully planned, scientifically implemented policies, and carefully organized, and made every effort to organize teaching during the epidemic. Strive to ensure the normal order of education and teaching.

System planning, scientific strategy

Teacher Ma Liang first conveyed the general requirements of the school’s Academic Affairs Office and the college for undergraduate teaching work during the epidemic prevention and control period. Teacher Fan Chongjun specifically elaborated on the various tasks of teaching management in the new semester, especially the requirements of online teaching. Organize teachers to discuss various online teaching issues such as “how to create a class”, “how to activate a course”, “how to create a course”, “how to post homework”, “how to interact with students in a live broadcast”, and “how to download video courseware after class”, and assist Teachers build lessons, record screens, and master online teaching methods such as online live broadcasting and online recording.

Teacher Liu Chen said in the Xi exchange group: The video was recorded for half an hour and the video was cut for nearly 3 hours. Cut it off for a few minutes “Uhhhhhhhhhh”!

In response to the problem that the teacher needs to spend a lot of time editing the video after the video is recorded, Mr. Liu Chen developed a video editing software using Python, which greatly reduced the video editing time.

Before the formal start of the class, each teacher uploads courseware, handouts and other teaching materials to the Chaoxing course platform or shares with students through the course group. The Department of Information Management undertook the public basic course of “Database Fundamentals A”. This semester has opened 19 teaching classes with more than 1,500 students. In order to ensure the teaching effect, Mr. Liu Yong organized a course teaching team. The team teachers held an online teaching preparation meeting through the WeChat platform, carefully discussed and studied teaching methods suitable for online teaching, and conducted pre-class online tests with selected students to find problems and rectify them in time. In addition, for the undergraduate graduation project (thesis), the instructor will use telephone, WeChat, QQ and email to conduct online guidance such as topic selection, revision, answering questions and providing electronic documents to ensure that it is completed on time.

In order to prevent unexpected situations such as sudden network failures during the use of online teaching, the Department of Information Management requires teachers to prepare backup plans for online teaching in advance, using methods such as “QQ Group”, “WeChat Group”, “Tencent Meeting” and “Welink” as Standby teaching plan. If there is an accident during class, the standby plan should be activated in time to ensure the smooth and orderly development of online teaching.

Teacher Fan Chongjun followed up the courses of Teacher Zhang Baoming’s “E-commerce Operation Management” and Teacher Ma Shujiao’s “Database Basics A” on Monday and Tuesday respectively. The students listened carefully and interacted actively.

Teacher Liangan Huo stayed in Canada due to the epidemic, overcoming difficulties such as jet lag and network instability, actively learning information about the school and students through various information channels, carefully organizing online classes, interacting with students, and full of motivation.

Timely exchange summary after class

Since Monday, March 2, many teachers in the Department of Information Management have officially started online teaching. Class teachers check attendance in a timely manner, participate in student interaction, collect feedback from students’ evaluation of teaching, keep abreast of student learning dynamics, strengthen assessment and process management, and ensure the quality and effect of course learning. Many teachers immediately shared their lesson experience in the group after class on Monday for other teachers’ reference.

Teacher Ji Ying said: After two classes, I felt very good when I went up and down, and the students’ interaction was also very good. Apart from not seeing the students’ reaction, the feeling was similar to the classroom, the internet was not connected, and the students didn’t respond to Superstar. Questions, the teachers in the back can have more confidence, and still have to ask some questions in the middle, otherwise the students will run away easily

Teacher Yin Pei who finished the “System Simulation” online class said in the group: Hello teachers! This morning I took the online class for the first time. I felt that the effect was quite good. I can’t wait to share this wonderful mood with you. Especially in interactive sessions such as classroom discussions and classroom exercises, the students are much more active and enthusiastic than in the classroom when they face-to-face teaching, the response speed is also high, and the quality of the answers is also high. It seems that it is easier for everyone to express their opinions online. I think there may be several reasons. One is that students are generally more dependent on the Internet. Even if you discuss online with your real name, it is easier to let go, think, interact, and publish your own ideas more actively. Viewpoint; the second is that the recorded videos and the courseware in the database can be previewed in advance, and it can be played back and watched repeatedly when answering questions, so for students who don’t like to take notes, it is more convenient to preview and review knowledge; There may be a group effect. Some students who are already more active can easily mobilize the enthusiasm of the remaining students. With appropriate incentive measures, they will get more positive responses.

Teacher Ma Liang said: Now I know that being an actor is not so easy! That is also a professional job!

Teacher Zhang Xinrui said: The key is to be an actor again, as well as a director, screenwriter, makeup, stage, post-editing... it’s really versatile.

The epidemic has brought many difficulties and challenges to traditional classroom teaching, but at the same time it has also brought an opportunity for the transformation of teaching methods. Teachers of the Department of Information Management will seize the opportunity to make online high-quality courses and prepare for the future application of high-quality online courses.

In the current epidemic situation, conscientiously doing well in online teaching is the most important job for teachers of our Department of Information Management. We will continue to improve teaching methods and continuously improve teaching results.
