All teachers of the Department of International Trade and Economics are fighting on the front line


The spring semester of 2020 failed to start due to the COVID. In order to effectively prevent and control the epidemic, actively implement the specific requirements of schools and colleges on “suspending classes without stopping teaching, and without stopping classes”, and guaranteeing the normal teaching progress and teaching quality during the “epidemic” period, the leaders of the International Trade Department and related responsible People held a conference call to arrange the related work of the department in advance to ensure that teachers “leave school and do not leave teaching” and students “stop classes without suspension”, and actively communicate with teachers of the department through QQ groups and WeChat groups “Rain Class” and “Superstar Learning” The relevant details of various online teaching methods such as “Platform” and “Welink”, so as to prepare for the smooth development of online teaching.

After the online teaching officially started, in order to ensure that the quality of online learning and offline classroom teaching is substantially equivalent, all the teachers of the International Trade Department worked together to work overtime every day and carefully prepared. Before class, teachers introduce learning content through QQ groups, WeChat groups, and Xuetong, etc., and arrange preparatory tasks; in class, they explain important and difficult content through teaching courseware, teaching videos, case analysis, etc., and ask questions at any time, while students leave a message or Lianmai answers; after class, homework explanations and answers will be conducted through QQ groups, WeChat groups and Xuexitong.

Facing this brand-new teaching method, teachers are also facing many new challenges, such as familiarizing themselves with the class platform, adjusting class content, improving online teaching emergency plans, etc., but everyone is united and forge ahead, facing difficulties, and striving to achieve the best teaching effect.

Professor Luo Fang said: “Online teaching is very different from offline teaching. You should make full preparations. Before teaching, because of concerns about the use process of the online teaching platform, the effect of live broadcast, and the status of students in class, I learned about the students in advance. Our network conditions, online learning tools and other related conditions, and repeated testing of the live broadcast effect, prepare a broadcast platform to ensure the smooth progress of online live teaching; in the course of teaching, preview the designated reference books in advance, carefully design the course content and discussion questions , To control the teaching rhythm, and use online teaching methods such as random roll call, course discussion, question answering to increase the number of students’ participation in interaction, thereby mobilizing students’ enthusiasm for learning; after the lecture, timely understand the teaching effect and actively ask students whether they are complete, In-depth understanding of course content. In general, online teaching methods are flexible and diverse, which creates good conditions for education and teaching reform after the epidemic, and also provides a practical platform for teaching method innovation.’