[Media Perspective] Economic Daily-Professor Zhao Laijun: The logistics industry takes the lead to break through and help resume work and production


As the fight against the epidemic has achieved remarkable results, all walks of life have also entered a stage of intense resumption of work and production, but there are still difficulties in resuming work and production. As a basic and strategic industry supporting the development of the national economy and society, the logistics industry is the key to opening up the meridian of resuming work and resuming production and revitalizing the national game of chess. Therefore, it is the first to solve the logistics difficulties to accelerate the full resumption of work and production. To this end, the reporter interviewed Zhao Laijun, a professor at the Business School of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and a double-appointed professor at the China Institute of Urban Governance at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Reporter: What are the current status and major problems of my country’s logistics industry during the resumption of work and production?

Zhao Laijun: Let’s talk about the current situation of the logistics industry. The main manifestations are: truck drivers, couriers, and warehouse workers in China are mostly from rural areas. At present, they are unable or unwilling to return to work, causing delays in transportation and storage companies. It is not possible to fully resume work and production. Even in the express delivery industry, which is closely related to people’s production and life, the current resumption rate is only slightly higher than 40%. In addition, due to the impact of the epidemic, shrinking demand has led to a decline in the income of logistics companies, while traffic control, epidemic prevention and isolation have caused business costs to rise, and logistics companies generally feel that funds are tight. At the same time, epidemic prevention and control also brings opportunities for “contactless” distribution, for example, smart express cabinets are widely accepted by consumers.

Let’s talk about the main problems faced by the logistics industry. First, some local governments have adopted too strict approval policies for resumption of work and production, which has caused some logistics companies to be unable or unwilling to resume work and production. The second is that some regions require those returning to work who have been quarantined for 14 days to be re-quarantined, and some rural quarantine measures have become increasingly strict, which has led to a shortage of labor for logistics enterprises. Third, the closure of villages, roads, navigation, and various checkpoints in some places have resulted in poor roads. Fourth, social demand has not yet recovered, and the industrial chain has just begun to recover. There is still a time lag in the release of stable orders to logistics companies, which also leads to a decrease in logistics companies’ revenue.

Reporter: How to properly solve the current logistics difficulties?

Zhao Laijun: It is true that the resumption of work and production is currently underway, but there are still many problems in the process of advancement. Properly solving the current logistics dilemma is very critical to speeding up the full resumption of work and production. From the surveys and interviews of various regions and companies, all regions and departments, especially non-severe epidemic areas and industry authorities that have a significant impact on logistics, must fully realize the importance of logistics for the resumption of work and production, and minimize epidemic prevention The impact of measures on logistics companies.

Specifically, in policy formulation, the national resumption of work and production policies should be strictly implemented. All localities should formulate a package of policies and measures to address the issues of employment, smooth roads, capital, taxation, social security, and financial support that are common in the logistics operations of enterprises, and strengthen Inter-regional policy coordination, especially inter-provincial linkage mechanisms, such as the Yangtze River Delta region, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and between the provinces with large labor demand in the east and the large export of migrant workers in the central and western regions , Coordinate and solve regional issues such as raw material supply, logistics transportation, and personnel flow.

Ensuring the orderly flow of people and the smooth flow of road networks are the most urgent problems that logistics companies currently need to solve. Excessive epidemic prevention measures such as closing villages and blocking roads should be cancelled as soon as possible in non-severe epidemic areas, so that healthy people can return to the city and do not repeat isolation after returning to the city. At present, roads in many villages and towns are still blocked. Although highways, national highways, and provincial highways are restored, the inspection of crossings still takes a lot of time. It is recommended to use high technology to increase the speed of crossing inspections.

Support logistics companies and e-commerce companies to collaborate efficiently, accelerate the use of advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence to build an intelligent, automated, and unmanned supply chain operation system to ensure the effective supply of production materials and daily necessities. Circulation.

Encourage the installation and use of smart express cabinets and the implementation of unmanned vehicle delivery in places where people gather in universities, communities, buildings, parks, etc., through “contactless” logistics, the “last mile” problem in urban distribution in epidemic prevention and control conditions can be effectively solved.

During the epidemic prevention and control period, the source of railway passengers has been greatly reduced. Consider converting the remaining capacity of railway passenger transportation into freight. This will not only help enterprises solve transportation problems, but also promote the development of multimodal operation such as highway, water and railway, and solve the long-term problem. The shortcomings that plague China’s logistics development.

Finally, strengthen social logistics collaboration to achieve a larger range of logistics network coverage and more efficient use of logistics resources. There are many freight logistics platforms in China, and they should increase their ability to integrate logistics resources to help enterprises solve logistics problems that they cannot solve alone.
