Student & Faculty Interations-Overview



Business Schoolbelieves that student education is positively affected by student-faculty andstudent-student interactions both inside and outside the classroom. Theseinteractions include, for example, active learning experiences, access tosocial events, respect for diverse individuals and ways of learning, promptfeedback, and cooperation among students. That is why Business School hasinvested heavily to create a positive environment for both learning andteaching. These efforts include support for intellectual property, promotion ofstudents’ scientific research, provision of social services, and mutualparticipation in activities that foster administrative talent, innovationability, global vision, and the sense of social responsibility.

Interactive Designs of Course Content

In BusinessSchool, student-faculty and student-student interactions are an important indexfor improving the quality of student learning and are therefore emphasized inall courses offered in the School’s various degree programs.

At theundergraduate level, faculty members purposely design courses that providenumerous opportunities for student-faculty and student-student interactions. Theyencourage students, for example, to engage in classroom discussions, expresspersonal opinions cooperate on class projects, and participate in socialpractices and interactive activities beyond the classroom. These course designsare intended to promote interaction during the learning process and tostimulate enthusiasm for economics management disciplines and practicalproblem-solving.

At thepost-graduate level, courses are purposely designed to include creative ways toensure student-faculty and student-student interactions that promote a sense ofphysical, emotional, and academic well-being and create a positive environmentfor learning. Courses in the MBA Program are particularly receptive tostudent-faculty interactions that help students to integrate theory andpractice, to advance their practical abilities, and to enjoy actual workexperiences.

At the doctorallevel, courses are designed with the belief that interactive learning andteaching are essential to the delivery of the highest-quality education to thebrightest minds. Doctoral courses, therefore, include a strong focus oninterpersonal skills and oral and written communication, as well as well as alarge number of classical cases and a substantial amount of teaching onacademic frontiers. Opportunities for student-faculty and student-studentinteractions broaden the vision of doctoral candidates, enhance their sense ofinnovation and creativity, and increase their commitment to learning bothinside and outside the classroom.