
发布时间:2022-09-29        浏览量:492

报告题目:How to use projected gradient method to globally solve nonconvex trust region subproblem

报 告 人:夏勇 教授   邀 请 人:张惠珍


腾讯会议243 664 826



The trust region subproblem (TRS) is to minimize a possibly nonconvex quadratic function over a Euclidean ball. There are typically two classes for (TRS), the so-called “easy” and “hard” cases. It may occur even in the “easy case” that the sequence generated by the projected gradient method (PG) starting from any initial point in a nonzero measure feasible set converges locally sublinearly to a saddle point. To our surprise, when applying (PG) to solve a cheap and possibly nonconvex reformulation of (TRS), the generated sequence initialized with a uniformly and randomly generated feasible point converges to the global minimizer of (TRS) with probability one. The local convergence rate is at least linear for the “easy case”, without assuming that we have to possess the information that the “easy case” occurs. We also consider how to use (PG) to globally solve equality-constrained (TRS).

