学术报告:Grid Modernization: Challenges, Opportunities, and Solutions

发布时间:2017-06-05        浏览量:216

报告题目:Grid Modernization: Challenges, Opportunities, and Solutions

报告人: 王剑辉(阿贡国家实验室资深研究员及电力系统团队负责人)

时间: 2017年6月9日 9点30分


报告人简介: 男,现任隶属于美国能源部的阿贡国家实验室(Argonne National Laboratory) 资深研究员及电力系统团队负责人,同时兼任美国圣母大学(University of Notre Dame),美国奥本大学(Auburn University)客座教授,及美国芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)计算中心研究员。现为本领域权威国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid(智能电网)主编,Applied Energy(应用能源),Journal of Energy Engineering常务编委。王博士在本领域国内外权威杂志及重要会议上发表近250篇学术论文(其中SCI检索期刊文章172篇),论文被各大检索收录8000余次。文章发表的期刊涉及电力工程,智能电网,能源经济和政策等领域。

报告摘要:Our aging grid infrastructure faces increasing challenges from multiple sources including greater demand variability, stricter environmental regulations and growing cyber security concerns.  Advanced smart grid technologies provide possible solutions to tackle these challenges. Meanwhile how to best utilize these new devices and technologies such as PMUs and electric vehicles remains a challenge by itself. In this talk, he will address various topics which span a multitude of areas including demand response, stochastic optimization for renewable integration, microgrids and cyber security. He will present the technical issues in implementing these technologies and corresponding potential solutions.