学术报告:Optimal ordering and pricing decisions for a company issuing pre-paid cards

发布时间:2016-11-25        浏览量:288

报 告 人:张钦红  博士
题目:Optimal ordering and pricing decisions for a company issuing pre-paid cards


摘要:In this paper, we investigate pre-paid card’s influence on retailers’ ordering decisions and analyse the benefits of issuing pre-paid cards. We propose an optimal ordering model for retailers’ decision problems with pre-paid cards being issued. We also solve the problem with the analytical forms of optimal order quantities and expected profits. By comparing the results with the classical newsvendor problem, we classify the benefits of issuing gift cards into three categories: (1) the demand stimulating; (2) the pre-payment, and (3) the non-redemption. We step further to explore a retailer’s problem on how to determine the optimal discount for pre-paid cards, which is characterized by a joint optimal policy on the ordering quantity and the discount. We derive the optimal condition on this joint policy. Numerical examples are conducted to illustrate the model results and analyse the influences of parameters. A sample average approximation method is also been introduced to solve the optimization model.

报告人简介:张钦红 上海交通大学中美物流研究院副研究员,2009年毕业于上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院获管理学博士学位,并于2013-2014年在瑞典吕勒奥理工大学进行学术访问,2016年获得上海浦江人才计划资助。目前在International Journal of Production Economics, Operations Research Letters, International Journal of Production Research 等期刊发表SCI/SSCI论文10余篇,主要研究方向为供应链管理,供应链金融,汽车物流等。