
发布时间:2016-06-28        浏览量:870

报告题目:行为导向的产品线设计(Behavior Oriented Product Line Design)

报告时间:2016年7月1日(星期五) 10:00-11:00


报告人:孔庆山 博士(同济大学经管学院)



(1) Optimal Product Line Design to Meet Consumption Targets.

(2) Optimal Product Line Introduction Strategy When Consumer Exhibit Reference Dependent Preference.



Firms in many industries are experiencing the need to offer increasing levels of product variety.Product line design is not only a critical decision for a manager, but also an attractive research topic in economics, marketing and operations management. We propose a behavior-oriented product line design framework to address two topics: (1) The design of the quality and price of each product by using different product line strategy and the effect of target-oriented behavior on product line design.(2) To choose an optimal sequence to introduce the product line and the effect of reference-dependent behavior on product line introduction strategy.